Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do You Remember?

"No matter how old we are, there's a kid deep inside our own heart" - Vaux

Recently, I watched something that makes me remember my sweet childhood memories. Those days were fun, playing hard all days long and couldn't care any lesser with life problems.

Back then, playing games refers to an actual physical activities. I've played lot of games in the past such as tag, spinning tops, marbles, baling selipar, konda-kondi, lawan pemadam and lot more that I can't remember the names.

Then, comes Dash Yankuro's racing cars that runs using small magnetic motors. Tamiya is expensive so I bought the cheap RM 7 Audi brand instead. I still remember the time when my friend and I tried to make the car runs faster by tweaking the engine - adding more wires and put extra magnets inside it but the truth is, we don't even know what we're doing. It's a miracle the car still works after all that so called 'upgrades'.

We don't have cool handphones like kids nowdays but there's Tamagochi and the famous 1st generation Digimon device. It's a must have item for kids that time. Well, at first I do raise my digital pet carefully but there's a time when I just slide the plastic strip that can reset the device repeatedly, press the 3 buttons randomly and taaadaaah - a new fully grown up digimon appears.

TV shows such as Gaban, Showa era Kamen Riders, Cybercops or even cartoons like Doraemon, Dragon Ball, Voltron, Captain Planet are a must watch even if I had to secretly skip my afternoon Sekolah Agama session and watch it at my friend's house.

I know that my childhood and yours might not be the same but if you're born in the 80s, this is roughly what you went through for your childhood.

Now, kids prefer to just stay at home watching TV or goes to Cyber Cafe playing games but not all of them are like that. I personally never see kids playing games like I used to back when I was a kid myself. Maybe, the new technology age changes the kid's preference and the old games only alive in our memories.


  1. shit man... aku selalu main baling selipar ni kat kampung... haha lawan pemadam la.. Kertas la.. macam2...yeah been there and done that... dlu2 figurines sume murah.. belambak aku beli cybercops and DBZ figurines... skang meletup la poket aku nk beli... im sad also.. my sis nw main fb games je.. later i bawak her keluar main meriam HAhHAHA xDD

  2. Ye la, aku dulu pun main baling selipar jugak. Kalau kena orang pakai selipar jepun, berpinau kepala kalau kena baling.

  3. Kids nowadays are so lucky (and spoiled sumtimes). Dulu masuk hostel, nak tgk TV pun susah so belasah je main ape2...galah panjang la, baling tin la, cop tiang la...ah the good old days

  4. Yes, Yes....baling guli...main masak-masak.
    Dulu watch Transformers in cartoon already got 3D.
    Budak skrang bertuah , manja, maju plak tu.
    Dulu kena cikgu rotan 20x tak complain pon,
    Skrang kena cubit skit je dah naik paper, TV.

  5. Kids nowadays are spoilt for variety and money. When I was born in the 90s, we had very little variety for games. Now, we have all sorts of 1-Year-Release crap. Back in the days before I was in Secondary 1, I remember we used to play all sorts of outdoor games. Now, people just sit in front of a computer, playing DoTA or MAT or whatever catches their fancy all day long while expecting their parents to spoonfeed them. In the end, they don't know the importance of anything except themselves. The result? They lose the ability to tell the difference between fantasy and reality which causes them to lose the knowledge of the term "respect".
