Monday, July 19, 2010

Internet Drama - Gotta Loves Em' All !

"Internet Dramas - It beats Twilight saga FFS!" - Vaux.

Internet drama has been around as long as ... Internet itself. Some are interesting, some aren't as much fun to follows - like all the TV dramas out there.

After years using the Internet, joining various forum and seen a lot of drama there is to offer; I've develop my own 6th sense to detect dramas even before they started. Usually, just sit aside watching how it turn out to be while eating popcorn and if things got interesting, I might jump in to join the fun.

There's few indicators on how an Internet dramas would start off with :

1. A forum moderator misleading announcement set the fire burning thus, comes the Internet Trolls adding the fuel to the flaming hot threads. Things got worst when one of the troll gets the big banhammer and the dramas continues!

2. Forum management decided to just ignores the complain from the forumer regarding the game they hosted by simply locking down the threads without an explanations and bans the one cites the loud criticism about them.

3. Forum spammers meets Trolls. This not as epic as The Clash of The Titans but it still can be epic on its own. Some can get really ugly yet some can be genuinely hilarious.

4. Forum's White Knight meets the Trolls/Skeptic can lead to a walls of text type of argument where usually the argument will ended up on square 1.


There's a lot more indicators out there but this is mostly the main reason why Internet dramas start. So folks, keeps your eyes open for this indicators and you might found yourself in the middle of it.

Stay tunes for the next updates and as usual, drinks on me!

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